Collagen to combat skin ageing.

When the levels of collagen in the body decrease, the skin loses its elasticity and vigour, giving way to wrinkles. The production of collagen is influenced by nutrition, by external agents such as UV rays and naturally by the biological ageing of the body. The marine collagen-based supplements can help promote effective smoothing of the finest wrinkles, visibly improving the compactness and the beauty of the skin.

Nutricosmetics: The benefits of collagen-based supplements

The main function of nutricosmetics is to counteract the effects of physiological skin ageing and photo ageing. The latter is a consequence of intense and prolonged exposure to sunlight and to which pollution, smoke and chemicals also contribute. Nutricosmetics for the skin provide substances that counteract free radicals and have an antioxidant effect, and integrate skin components of which the production tends to decrease over time and are needed by the skin.